Dialogic Pedagogy

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Typology of the conceptualization of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP)

By on February 27, 2014

Eugene Matusov and Samanta Lopez, University of Delaware

Based on reading literature, watching videos of CRP practices, and discussions of CRP with our students and colleagues, so far we have come across the following diverse understanding and conceptualization of CRP:

  1. Exploitative CRP: Teaching prescribed school curricula by exploiting the students’ cultural backgrounds and ontological issues (e.g., see the beginning of the movie “Freedom Writers”);
Exploitative CRP in “Freedom Writers” movie


Prescribed, preset curricula: Conventional grammar, cultural cannon of classic Greek tragedy “Odyssey” by Homer

Students’ culture is imagined and exploited by the teacher (stereotypes of community, cultural tokens): Ebonics, race, “bad neiborghoods”, “lousy enviornment”, “police on the streets”.


  1. Missionary CRP: Using the students’ cultural background and ontology to make them arrive at a preset social justice vision (e.g., Paulo Freire, Vivian Paley, Pedagogy of Oppressed);
  2. Epistemological CRP: Focusing and having genuine interest in the students’ cultural background and ontology to help them examine life and world without necessarily engaging them in action
  3. Therapeutic authorial CRP: Focusing and having genuine interest in the students’ cultural background and ontology to help them deal and sooth their issues and pains through their actions (e.g., an extreme case of shown in the German movie “The wave”);

Issues and pains suffered by the students: Alienation, racial discrimination, emotional neglect, lack recognition of one’s agency (see 7:14)

Therapy: Community building, encouragement of agency, creativity, and authorship (within the limits of CRP project and ideology), secure attachment, comraderie.

Theraputic Authorial Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
  1. Critical authorial CRP: Focusing and having genuine interest in the students’ cultural background and ontology to help them critically examine life and world in a critical dialogue and form necessarily actions (e.g., the second part of the movie “Freedom Writers”, movie “Teachers”);
From movie “Freedom Writers”

text to be added
Critical Authorial Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
From movie “Teachers”
text to be added
  1. Others?

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