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Dialogic Pedagogy
There is "no alibi in Being" — Bakhtin (1993)
What is Dialogic Pedagogy?
Ecological Online Long-Distance Higher Education (proposal)
Cultually Relevant Pedagogy and/vs Dialogic Pedagogy
Typology of the conceptualization of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP)
The University of Students: Fundraising
Donor Dashboard
Dialogic Classroom Web Environment
Establishing a new journal: “Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal”
Call for straw poll on new Dialogic Pedagogy journal
Dialogic Pedagogy journal: Aims and Scope
Dialogic Pedagogy journal: Genres, formats, styles
Dialogic Pedagogy journal: Policies
DPJ policy: Authors’ disagreements and conflicts with Managing Editors’ decision about their manuscript
Dialogic Pedagogy journal: Officers and Editorial Board
Dialogic Pedagogy Journal: Peer Reviewing Process and Procedures
Dialogic Pedagogy Journal: Organizational Structure, Nomination, Election, and Decision Making Process
Dialogic Pedagogy Journal: Guidelines for Authors and Commentators
Dialogic Pedagogy journal: Guidelines for Reviewers
Dialogic Pedagogy journal: Guidelines for article/issue Managing Editors
DPJ WordPress
Teaching Video Workshop
Social studies, philosophy lesson in 7th grade, Ukraine, Teacher: Igor Solomadin
Dialogic Education For Agency (DEFA)
The State’s Educational Neutrality: A revolution proposal for Educational Pluralism (aka Education 2.0)
Open letter to the AERA Presidents
mini-Bakhtinian conference on Dialogic Pedagogy
Map of dialogic pedagogy terrain
*!Conventional pedagogy
Preset curricular endpoints
Conventional knowledge
Pedagogical violence and manipulation of the students’ consciousness in conventional education
Instrumental approaches to dialogic pedagogy
Epistemological instrumental dialogic pedagogy (Epistemological I)
Social justice instrumental dialogic pedagogy
The non-instrumental approaches to dialogic pedagogy
Epistemological non-instrumental dialogic pedagogy (Epistemological II)
Ecological dialogic pedagogy
Ontological dialogic pedagogy
“Show me ontological dialogue”: Ontological dialogue as a descriptive, methodological framework
Why am I so attracted to (Bakhtin’s) ontological notion of “dialogue”?
The principle of dialogic uncertainty: Principle subjective gap of comprehension among consciousnesses
Dialogue and Education: are they compatible?
Collapse of knowledge in the teacher with a student
Ontological engagement, non-ontological engagement, and ontological disengagement
Dialogic provocation
Internally Persuasive Discourse (IPD)
Internal to the individual: appropriation
Internal to the discourse practice: authorship
Internal to dialogue: testing ideas and responsibility
Teaching as a performance art
Teaching scripts
Teacher role and intended student audience
Teacher orientation
Dialogic guidance as the teacher’s authorial art of improvisational performance
Supporting the student’s voice (personal centripetal force)
Deepening the student’s position (personal centrifugal force)
Promote the emergence of new dialogic tensions and explorations (communal centrifugal force)
Guiding in and out of the fuzzy-thematic class interactions
Shape the direction of the dialogue: dialogic orchestration (communal centripetal force)
Student’s cooperation, student’s interest, and teacher’s instruction
Educational chronotopes
Assignment-Chronotope of a conventional school
Provocation-Chronotope and Journey-Chronotope of dialogic pedagogy
Concerns over the P-chronotope and J-chronotope
Authorial learning and teaching
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June 20, 2010
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Bakhtin Centre, UK
Dialogic Classroom Web Environment: Grant proposal
Dialogic Education
Literature on Dialogic Pedagogy
Proposal for a new journal: “Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal”
Библер и вокруг, Russia
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